第十四届FCPAE欧洲论坛的主题是“面向未来,聚势共赢”。本次论坛/研讨会将聚集中国企业在欧洲,欧洲企业在中国的实践,成长和发展为牵引,汇聚中欧双方的科研工作者和企业家围绕:绿色发展创新创业生命科学前沿深空探索未来智能技术与应用智能物流通 等分论坛开展深入讨论,会议期间将举行项目路演,欧洲华人十大科技领军人才评选、地方人才政策宣讲活动,打造中欧科技工作者合作和交流的平台。

Association of Chinese Professionals in Belgium (ACPB) is the rotating chairman of the Federation of Chinese Professional Associations in Europe (FCPAE). ACPB and the China-Belgium Technology Center (CBTC) will organize the 14th FCPAE European Forum and the 5th China-Belgium Science and Technology Exchange Symposium. ACPB and CBTC sincerely invite you to attend the 14th FCPAE European Forum and the 5th China-Belgium Technology Exchange Symposium, which will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Brussels and CBTC in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium on October 20-21, 2023.
The 14th FCPAE European Forum theme is ” Looking Ahead and Working Together Win-Win.” This forum will gather the experts of Chinese companies in Europe and European companies in China, with growth and development as the driving force, and will bring together scientific researchers and entrepreneurs from both sides and focus on
Green development
Innovation entrepreneurship,
Frontiers of life sciences
Deep space exploration
Future intelligent technology
Intelligent logistics

six sub-forums, the Forum will carry out in-depth discussions.
The forum provides a unique opportunity for cooperation and exchanges between Chinese and European scholars and entrepreneurs. special activities such as


project roadmaps and the selection of the top ten European Outstanding Chinese Leaders in Business, Science, and Technology.
The Forum will include keynote speeches, oral presentations, poster presentations, and roundtable discussions. The participating top entrepreneurs and scientists will share their latest products and research results in related fields and discuss each sub-forums current challenges and opportunity. In addition, the conference will also set up special exhibitions and sub-forums for participants to communicate and cooperate with their counterparts. As a conference attendee, you can connect with internationally renowned academics, industry leaders, and other researchers and expand your network. The conference will also provide an opportunity to showcase your business and research in order to gain valuable feedback from attendees.
We hereby invite you to attend the 14th FCPAE European Forum and the 5th China-Belgium Science and Technology Exchange Symposium.

Federation of Chinese Professional Associations in Europe
旅比华人专业人士协会Association of Chinese Professionals in Belgium
中比科技园China Belgium Technology Centre
Association of Chinese-European Innovation and Entrepreneurship
TMRC of Glycomics by Fudan Zhangjiang & Sysdiagno
Oversea Chinese Technology and Innovation Association (OSCTIA)
World Green Design Organization
Tiandu-Shenzhen University Deep Space Joint Laboratory
Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology
Anhui Association of Professionals
Sino-European Federation of Lifesciences
Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the European Union
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Belgium
【赞助单位/Corporate Sponsor】
Aprojects NV
European Office Shenzhen GmbH



【论坛时间】2023.10.20(星期五)– 2023.10.21(星期六)
【Date】 October 20-21, 2023.
【Address】Crowne Plaza,Da Vincilaan 4, 1831 Brussel, Belgium
CBTC, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
【Contact】 Dr.Danyang LIU 邮箱/Email: europeforum@fcpae.com
【Registration fee】350Euros(Before 15/08)450Euros(After 16/08)